Windows 8 Enterprise (Download, Install, Activate, and Use)

Do you want to use Windows 8 Enterprise ??
Enterprise is better than profesional... =D

PART I : Get the Windows 8 First!! (if you have windows 8 enterprise, skip to PART II bottom)

1. Go to the link -->

2. Sign in from the microsoft first.. just take a few seconds or minutes (sign in to get the windows 8.iso format)
If you don't have the account... just sign up.. (like others account. eg, facebook, gmail, hotmail dll)

3. Then, fill in the form. Just your name and email.. (you can see mine as example)

4. Choose 32bit or 64bit - My pc use 64 bit, then I just hit the 64 bit button.
How to check the bits? Answer : Right click "My Computer" > Properties.
Then, you can see the system type : 32 bit or 64 bit Operating System

5. Done.. I'am using Internet Download Manager... the Windows 8 size is 3.25 GB

PART II : Get the activator from ADAN

Application name : Windows_8_Enterprise_Activator_ADAN.exe
Size : 33 KB
Description : -
This app is used to activate the windows 8 enterprise..
by default the windows license is invalid..
after you activated, the license valid 90 days..

Important : You must run the application as administrator..
How? : Right clicks "Windows_8_Enterprise_Activator_ADAN.exe" > Run as administrator.

How to use? : Just choose --- Your option > 1
That's all.. =D

DOWNLOAD  (Activator - 30.38 KB )